Love is blind? I guess none of you never heard of this sentence. Some may be agree with it and some may be the other way round. As I remember a quote printed on one of my friend's T-shirt written, "No Right or Wrong, Just Different lah..." exactly, there is no right or wrong to be argued with this sentence.
There are so many other quotes that we always heard and we even agreed with those at times, for instance "
love is blind", "
love with all your heart", "
you need to sacrifice in order to gain something", "
appreciate things or peoples around you", and et cetera et cetera. Do you really understand what they really meant or, did you ever tried to fulfil them? I guess most of your answer is "
Is love really blind? As for me, I personally think that
LOVE IS NOT BLIND. We love and we sacrifice for the person we love. sacrification is something so precious that our loved ones could do for us and how could we say that love is blind? Some people might have said love is blind when they encountered a situation where their friend fallen in love with someone whose so called 'not so good' or 'not so good looking'. I tell you what, this is
TRUE LOVE and not love is blind.
I guess none of you will ever get those messages until you really
FALL and you get up and continue walking. We need to grow in terms of mentally as we continue to grow old with our loved ones.
Things we shall do :
Always ask your partner what she/he is thinking ( I found this rather useful to me )(b)
Give surprises whenever it is necessary(c)
Tell her/him "I love you" more frequently ( this is necessary )(d)
If you are a guy, kiss her forehead and tell her how precious she is to you(e)
Go for an outing or a trip when it is time to do so(f)
Tell her she is pretty no matter how many thousand times she asked(g)
Girls, pretend to be 'not so smart' when you need to(h)
Read her/his blog no matter how lame it is (suggested by jinn jinn)
These are just something that I think it is necessary, If you have more to say about this, feel free to drop a comments about what you are thinking.
Being with someone you love is
NOT A GAME. It is a lifetime matter. Think!Before you make any decision. All the best every couple out the there.
.........I found another blog post that can best describe what has been missed out in my own post ...go to --->
Jinn Jinn